13th December 1999
First Meeting of the All Ireland Ministerial Council
Sinn Fein Ministers Martin McGuinness and Bairbre de Brun, speaking following the inaugural meeting of the All-Ireland Ministerial Council in Armagh today, said: ``Today is truly an historic day and sets forth a new political reality on the island of Ireland.''
Minister McGuinness and Minister de Brun said in a joint statement:
``This, the first meeting of the All-Ireland Ministerial Council here in Armagh, truly marks the beginning of a new political reality on the island of Ireland. Republicans are now part of a new political administration with elected representatives from throughout the island of Ireland. The importance of thinking, planning and acting on an all Ireland basis cannot be overestimated. We look forward to strengthening and developing this work in a dynamic and energetic fashion.
``For nationalists, today's inaugural meeting of the All Ireland Ministerial Council signals a real step forward in terms of full recognition of our rights and of real equality for all of us sharing this island. Today is another step on the road to a lasting settlement.
``In entering these new institutions Sinn Fein will bring a political perspective that is radical, that is republican and that is labour. We will bring forward all-Ireland policies to tackle the many issues which face the people in all aspects of their daily lives. Others will bring their own political perspective. However, this diversity of opinion should be seen as a strength and not as a difficulty We now have an opportunity to find new ways of working together and of realising that we have many common goals.
``Republicans want to build a future based on inclusiveness, partnership and equality. We want to work in a unique partnership with other nationalists and with the representatives of unionism to achieve this.
``We believe that by working together our common interests will come to the fore and that we can embrace the new opportunities which face us. This can be and, we hope is, the beginning of a new era for all of Ireland.'' ENDS
Le seoladh láithreach 13 Nollag 1999
Céad Chruinniú den Chomhairle Áireach Uile Éireannach
Ag labhairt dóibh i ndiaidh an chruinnithe tosaithe den Chomhairle Áireach Uile Éireannach in Ard Mach inniu, dúirt Áirí Shinn Fein, Martin Mc Guinness agus Bairbre de Brún `gur lá fíor stáiriúil atá ann, agus go gcuireann sé tús leis an réalachas polaitiúil nua ar oileán na hÉireann'.
``Tugann an chéad chruinniú seo, den Chomhairle Áireach Uile Éireannach, anseo in Ard Macha an an réalachas polaitiúil nua ar oileán na hÉireann fa' dheara. Tá poblachtanaithe anois páirteach i riarachán polaitiúil nua, ina bhfuil ionadaithe tófa ó fud fud na hÉireann. Ní féidir tábhacht an córas smaoinimh, pleanála agus gníomhaithe ar bhonn uile Éireannach a sharmheasú. Táimid ag súil leis an chóras seo a neartú agus an obair seo a fhorbáirt i mbealach fuinneamhach, cumhachtach.
``Is comhartha do náisiúnaithe é seo, an cruinniú tosaithe seo den Chomhairle Áireach Uile Éireannach go bhfuil céim ar aghaidh glactha i dtreo aitheantas ár gcearta agus fíor-ionannas do chách ar an oileán seo. Is céim í, chomh maith, ar an bhóthar i dtreo reitigh buain.
``Tabharfaidh Sinn Fein léargas polaitiúil do na hinstitiúidí nua seo a bheas radacach, poblachtanach agus ar son na lucht oibre. Tabharfaidh muid polasaithe uile Éireannach chun tosaí a ngabhfaidh i ngleic leis na fadhbanna atá ann do dhaoine i ngach gné dá saolta laethúla.
``Tabharfaidh daoine eile a léargas-san polaitiúil féin leo ach ba chóir breathnú ar an éagsúlacht seo mar neart agus chan mar deacracht. Tá caoi againn anois chun bealaí úra a aimsiú ina mbeidh muid in ann comhoibriú le chéile agus chun tuiscint go bhfuil go leor comhchuspóirí eadrainn.
``Tá poblachtánaithe ag iarraidh tódhchaí a thógáil atá bunaithe ar pháirtíocht agus comhionannas. Táimid ag iarraidh sin a dhéanamh tríd páirtíocht ar leith idir náisiúnaithe eile agus ionadaithe aontachtóireachta chun seo a bhaint amach.
``Creidim go dtiocfaidh na comhchuspóirí sin chun tosaí tríd an chomhoibriú sin agus gur féidir linn na caoithe nua atá i ndán dúinn a ghabháil. Is féidir leis seo a bheith - agus tá súil agam go mbeidh sé - ina thús nua don tíre seo ar fad.''CRÍOCH
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