[Sinn Fein]

21 November 1997

Tallaght jobs - 500 welcomes

Seán Crowe Sinn Fein's spokesperson for Dublin South West said todays announcement of 500 jobs for Tallaght will be greeted by local people in Tallaght like `` manna from heaven.''

The 500 jobs are to be located in the old Packard site in Tallaght.

Mr Crowe said:

``Todays announcement of 500 jobs for Tallaght is indeed welcome news. The jobs will be greeted by the people of Tallaght like manna from heaven For far too long people in marginalised areas like Tallaght have failed to see any benefits from the so called Celtic Tiger. I hope this is just the beginning of the Celtic roar in Tallaght.''

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