[Sinn Fein]

14 November 1997

Changes to transfer system lambasted

The Sinn Fein spokesperson on prison issues, councillor Michael Browne has described announced changes to regulations governing the transfer of prisoners as something which will do absolutely nothing to assist the peace process.

Branding the changes announced by NIO Minister Adam Ingram as a development which can only add to the controversy surrounding transfers.

Mr Browne said:

``British government representatives would be much better employed improving existing transfer arrangements as opposed to wasting time on initiatives designed to slow further the process of transfer from one jurisdiction to another.

``It is high time that Adam Ingram and his government colleagues came to realise that expectations with regard to serious movement on the issues of political prisoners are high. a proper approach to matters relating to political prisoners will impact positively on the peace process.

``However, what Mr Ingram unveiled today will serve no useful purpose in terms of assisting efforts to build the peace, but will instead call into question the ability and indeed willingness of the British government to address prison related matters in anything nearing a constructive and progressive manner''

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