[Sinn Fein]

21 October 1998

MacBride Principles enshrined in legislation

Sinn Fein representative for the US, Rita O'Hare, today welcomed the passing, by the United States Congress, of legislation that establishes the MacBride Principles as the framework for United States investment through the International Fund for Ireland.

Ms. O'Hare said:

``The United States administration has made a huge contribution to the overall peace process. The MacBride Principles campaign focused on the endemic and institutionalised discrimination in the north of Ireland and put these issues under the spotlight in the United States.

``The passage of this legislation is a great vindication for the Irish American organisations and activists who campaigned for support for the MacBride Principles. It is also a great credit to those members of the Senate and the House who supported the campaign and have worked to establish them in legislation.

``This legislation will be key to the implementation of the equality agenda in the Good Friday Agreement.''ENDS

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