[Sinn Fein]

15 October 1998

Irish Unity Achievable

Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams MP, currently on a tour of the US, has praised the ``positive and constructive role'' of the USA in the peace process. Speaking to a packed audience in the Plaza Hotel, New York, last night he urged Irish America to ``have a sense of its own power and its ability to change US foreign policy and British government policy on Ireland.''

Mr. Adams said:

``The alternative to the Good Friday Agreement and progress in the peace proces is to let the bigots and the reactionaries win. This is unthinkable. We must find a way out of the current impasse, build the institutions and demonstrate clearly and unequivocally the primacy of politics and the imperative of peace.''

Mr. Adams told a hushed audience:

``You can make the difference. Take a lead of imagination and realise that progress is possible, the dismantling of partition is possible and the goal of Irish unity is achievable. If we want it badly enough we can make it happen.''

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