[Sinn Fein]

10 October 1998

Unionist veto on implementing Strands 2 and 3 must end

Sinn Fein's Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin TD speaking at a meeting of the party's Ard Chomhairle in Dublin today said that there is growing frustration amongst nationalists that six months since the signing of the Good Friday Agreement Unionists were being allowed to prevent movement towards the implementation of Strands 2 and 3.

Deputy Ó Caoláin said:

``It is six months today since the signing of the Good Friday Agreement and we have yet to see any real movement towards the implementation of Strands 2 and 3.

``The Agreement was negotiated by all of the parties and the two governments and was endorsed in referenda north and south. There is an onus on everyone who supported the agreement to now ensure that it is implemented in total.

``We cannot allow the situation to continue whereby the Agreement is subject to a veto from David Trimble. He cannot be allowed to renegotiate, rewrite or renege on commitments given during the talks, referendum and elections.

``Six months into the life of this Agreement we should be at an advanced stage in terms of the establishment of the Executive and the north/south bodies and not allowing the process to be continuously deflected into time consuming cul-de-sacs.

``If the Good Friday Agreement is to progress then we have bring an immediate end to the stalling of the last number of months and see all the Agreement implemented in full.''ENDS

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