[Sinn Fein]

4th October 1999

No evidence of real engagement from UUP

Speaking after meeting with the UUP today at Castle Buildings, Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams MP said:

``I made clear in my remarks to the press going into the meeting that we wanted a real engagement - a real negotiation. There has been no evidence of that in the meetings we have held so far with the UUP.

``I made clear at the start of today's meeting that we are not prepared to be involved in a pretence or to waste hours going through the motions. In fact I reminded you all that this review should have been concluded by now.

``There was no progress at today's meeting on the substantive issue of implementing the Agreement. If we want a measurement of progress - we have agreed to meet again so at least we can go forward in the hope that progress will be made.

``If the Good Friday Agreement is to be salvaged it is critical that the institutions which are the cornerstone of that agreement are put in place. That is the criteria against which the success or failure of this review will be judged.''ENDS

Sinn Fein will be meeting the SDLP shortly and the other pro-agreement parties tomorrow at 2pm.

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