[Sinn Fein]

29 September 1998

Trimble riding two horses

Statement from Sinn Fein Chairperson Mitchel McLaughlin accusing David Trimble of ``riding two horses'' in his attitude to the implementation of the Good Friday Agreement.

Mr. McLaughlin said:

``David Trimble needs to make up his mind whether he is for or against the Good Friday Agreement.

``His attitude to the agreement is being set by the rejectionists within unionism. These people are trying to wreck the agreement and they are using the decommissioning issue as the weapon to do that. Mr. Trimble appears to be riding this horse as well as the pro-agreement horse. He needs to make up his mind which horse he is backing.

``It is clear as First Minister designate his responsibility is to implement the agreement. He should do so speedily.''

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