[Sinn Fein]

8 September 1996

We need to transform the current political climate - Adams

Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams speaking on the eve of the recommencement of the talks process at Stormont said:

``The burden of rekindling the hope for peace that was crushed by the British government's abuse of the peace process rests on the two governments, but particularly on Mr. Major and his colleagues.

``No one believes that the talks at Stormont offer any prospect of a negotiated settlement. But the expectancy and desire for peace is as strong today as at any time in the history of conflict on this island.

``If the opportunity for a real and permanent peace is to be restored, if the hope which still exists is to be reawakened, then we need to transform the current political climate. That means the two governments producing a transparent and convincing talks process, with everyone invited, no obstacles placed in the way of dialogue and a realisable time-frame within which negotiations can take place and agreement reached.

``We all knew and expected that the search for peace would be difficult. We also knew that there would be mistakes and failures along the way.

``However, fear of these should not paralyse the hope for real peace. We must learn from the lessons of the past years and redouble our efforts to put the peace process back on the right track.''

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