[Sinn Fein]

25th August 1999

Sinn Fein Assembly Member Arrested

Sinn Fein Assembly member for West Belfast Sue Ramsey was arrested and charged in connection with the Lower Ormeau Concerned Community protest against the Apprentice Boys parade earlier this month. Assembly member Ramsey was arrested along with three others and charged with public order offences. The four are due to appear in court next Tuesday. Ms Ramsey said:

``The number of people arrested in connection with the Lower Ormeau protest is now reaching the 30 mark. The RUC is obviously out to maximise the harassment and intimidation of nationalist residents and their elected representatives. Once again it is a case of one law for nationalists and another for unionists.

``The contrast couldn't be more stark. For more than a year and a half unionists have held the nationalist community on the Garvaghy Road under siege. Not one single elected unionist representative has been arrested despite over 140 illegal protests and parades. Yet both myself and Sinn Fein Councillor for South Belfast Sean Hayes, have both been charged following a peaceful protest on the Ormeau Road.

``RUC claims of impartiality are clearly bogus. As the publication of the Patten Commission report draws near, once again we are reminded of the complete unacceptability of the force.''ENDS

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