[Sinn Fein]

11 August 1998

Sinn Fein meet Gingrich

Statement from Sinn Fein Chairperson and assembly member Councillor Mitchel Mc Laughlin on todays meeting with the Speaker of the US House of Representatives Mr Newt Gingrich and his colleagues from the Congressional Delegation. Councillor Mc Laughlin was accompanied by party Vice President and fellow assembly member Pat Doherty and Sinn Fein Washiington Mairead Keane.

Mr Mc Laughlin said:

``We welcome the opportunity to meet with Mr Gingrich and the Congressional delegation and view it as part of the increasing and ongoing interest in the peace process from the United States. This interest has been an important element in the development of the peace process.It is helpful that in the US Congress that interest has been shard by both sides of the House, Republican and Democrat.

``Todays' meeting was constructive in providing an opportunity to review the current situation and looking at the period ahead. We impressed upon the American delegation that while we have an agreement in place, we have not created a political settlement.

`` The key to achieving this is the implementation of the provisions of the agreement. This is vital. In particular it will require the establishment of the Executive, the All Ireland Ministerial Council and its implementation bodies in the period after President Clinton's visit.'' END

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