[Sinn Fein]

9 July 1998

Integrity and self esteem of all involved

Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams MP this evening commented on the meeting between the Orange Order and the British Prime Minister Tony Blair.

Mr. Adams said:

``It is disappointing, though not unexpected, that the Orange Order continues to rule out dialogue with the residents of Garvaghy Road. After today's meeting with Mr. Blair the Orange Order should know that the only sensible way out of the current crisis is through a local and voluntary accommodation.

``Even at this late stage I believe we can reverse the deterioration in the situation. Dialogue is of course central to this and I would appeal to the leadership of the Orange Order to adopt a fresh approach.

``There is no loss of principle or face involved in sitting down, round a table, and thrashing out this issue. To do so is a win - win situation for the residents of Garvaghy Road, for the Orangemen and for everyone else.

``An outcome based on a dialogue as equals would ensure the integrity and self-esteem of all involved.''ENDS

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