[Sinn Fein]

8 July 1998

Trimble accusation dismissed - Stop making excuses and talk

Sinn Fein Assembly member Alex Maskey, speaking from the Garvaghy Road where he is meeting local residents this evening, dismissed David Trimble's attack on party leader Gerry Adams as ``an attempt to distract attention away from his own bad record on the issue of contentious parades. He also chooses to ignore the disgraceful behaviour of his brethren and colleagues in the Orange Order and in the Unionist parties who are using mass intimidation tactics and threats''.

Mr. Maskey said:

``The measure of who is really serious about resolving this issue can be judged from the fact that Gerry Adams is prepared to talk to anyone in an attempt to defuse this crisis. David Trimble refuses to speak to the Garvaghy Road residents or to Gerry Adams.

``Instead of harking back to the past and to the old rhetoric David Trimble should exercise his responsibilities as First Minister designate and enter into a proper dialogue with the people of the Garvaghy Road.

``The UUP leader, David Trimble, knows what needs to be done. It is time he stopped making excuses and started to talk.''ENDS

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