[Sinn Fein]

3 June 1997

Doherty joins SF deputation to Stormont

Sinn Fein Vice President Pat Doherty will participate in a deputation to Stormont today to coincide with the resumption of the ``multi-party'' talks. Speaking beforehand Mr. Doherty said:

``Sinn Fein's analysis is that peace, with freedom and justice, will only come about through inclusive talks with no preconditions. We are here at Stormont today to assert our right to be involved in negotiations and to demand that the rights of our electorate are given equality of treatment.

``The two governments cannot be selective on the issue of inclusive dialogue and the democratic rights of the electorate. The international experience, as well as the history of political initiatives in the north over the last 25 years, all reject the possibility that peace can be built on a policy which deliberately ignores the voice of a significant section of people.

``Sinn Fein and those who vote for us want peace and we have demonstrated a real commitment to that goal. We are continuing to work to create the conditions in which a lasting peace can be built, a peace which will bring prosperity and stability to all sections of our country.

``Donegal can make its impact on the political future on this island. On Friday we are asking you to support this new opportunity to rebuild the peace process and to send a clear message to the incoming government calling for inclusive talks by electing Pat Doherty TD for Donegal North East.''

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