[Sinn Fein]

16 May 1997

Adams comments on RUC Chief Constable

Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams commenting on remarks this morning by the RUC Chief Constable Ronnie Flanagan said:

``Nationalists did not need Ronnie Flanagan to tell them what we have all known for over a year, that the loyalist cessation is over.

``Nor is it accurate of Mr. Flanagan to claim that the loyalist cessation began to disintegrate only after the IRA cessation ended. What about Lindsay Robb's efforts to smuggle weapons into the north or the gun factory found in north Down ?

``The pretence by the two governments that the loyalist cessation is intact, and the open door policy which they have adopted towards the loyalist parties, stands in stark contrast to the double standards being applied to Sinn Fein.

``For the record, I am still waiting for the RUC to answer questions which I asked of them shortly after the murder of John Slane. For example what is the forensic history of the weapon which was used ?'' ENDS

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