[Sinn Fein]

1 May 1996

May Day message from Sinn Fein Vice President Pat Doherty

Speaking in Dublin this morning Sinn Fein Vice President issued a May Day message on behalf of Sinn Fein.

Mr. Doherty said:

``On International Workers Day, the failure of the Dublin government's economic ``success'' is all too clearly highlighted by the callous actions of Packard Electric Management who have consigned over 800 workers to the dole queues in Tallaght. It also highlights the government's impotence in dealing with such international corporations.

``While there have been record levels of economic growth in the Six and Twenty Six counties in recent years, the inequality of wealth distribution has consistently grown worse. Executives' salaries and perks, in both the private and public sector stand in stark contrast to the average industrial wage or the level of social welfare payments. On this, May Day, those of us committed to building a socialist future in Ireland must acknowledge the failure of the established parties' policies and the inability of their virtual economic consensus to deliver real justice to working class people.

``Such justice, however, cannot be handed to workers by any political party, no matter how well intentioned. Irish workers and unemployed must realise that it is our primary responsibility to create that justice and equality for ourselves.

``In this year, the 60th Anniversary of the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, we remember with pride those Irish socialists, communists and repubicans who died in the fight against fascism. We remember also their brave comrades from Italy, Germany, Britain, America, Russia and elsewhere who also fought in the International Brigades. Many gave their lives that democracy and freedom might live in Spain. Today, along with millions of workers around the world we reaffirm our commitment to continue that struggle for self-determination and equality and for social and economic justice.''

Sinn Fein Press Office, 44 Parnell Square, Dublin 1
Tel: +353-1-8726100 and +353-1-8726839   ·   Fax +353-1-8733074
E-mail: sinnfein@irlnet.com   ·   Website: http://www.sinnfein.org

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