28 April 1997
Loyalist bomb attack on Sinn Fein Office
Sinn Fein candidate for North Belfast, Gerry Kelly, commenting on the bomb attack by loyalists on Sinn Fein's advice centre at Sevastopol Street said:
``This bomb attack was carried out by loyalists who hope no blame will be attached to them because they did not claim it. But everyone knows they are responsible. The attack will not deflect Sinn Fein from its peace project, from bringing about change with the help of the electorate on Thursday.
``It is notable that on the day Mr. Major visits here he is silent about this incident, the fifth such attack on Sinn Fein premises in recent months.
``Sinn Fein is intent on changing the face of politics on this island and we are confident that the electorate will give us their support in unprecedented numbers on Thursday.''
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