[Sinn Fein]

14th March 2003

Crowe calls on Dubliners to support solidarity protest for Colombia 3

Sinn Fein TD Seán Crowe this morning called on people throughout Dublin to attend a solidarity protest at the Department of Foreign Affairs at 2.30pm tomorrow, Saturday 15th March, calling for the release of three Irishmen currently being detained in Colombia.

Deputy Crowe said:

``Political interference in the trial has been getting steadily worse with highly publicised statements from the military and senior politicians, including Colombian President Ureba saying that the men are guilty. This is a complete violation of the presumption of innocent until proven guilty and gross political interference in an already contaminated process. 

``I have attended two sessions of this trial as part of an international team of observers and the only evidence presented by the prosecution has been based on pure fantasy, speculation and half-truths. The proceedings have descended into complete farce and I firmly believe that there is absolutely no possibility of Jim Monaghan, Martin McCauley and Niall Connolly getting a fair trial. And with every day that passes the three men's lives are in more danger.

``I am calling on the people of Dublin to come out tomorrow in support of the campaign to bring the men back home to Ireland.

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