[Sinn Fein]

10th April 2003

Response to Downing Street press conference

Responding to the comments of the Taoiseach and the Prime Minister in Downing Street this evening, Sinn Fein Chairperson Mitchel McLaughlin MLA said,

`` On the 5th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement, one thing is beyond dispute, the Agreement has not been implemented in full.

`` The two governments should now tell us how they intend to implement the Agreement.

`` The Taoiseach and Prime Minister have spoken about clarity and certainty. They should publish the Joint Declaration immediately to ensure that there is clarity and certainty on the two governments' position. This would allow everyone to make their own judgements on this.

`` Sinn Fein has made clear that critical issues remain. These include;

`` These issues need to be addressed consistent with the terms of the Good Friday Agreement''.

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