8th July 2003
Call For An End To Discrimination Against Ex-PoWs
Responding to a court ruling granting leave to apply for a Judicial Review into the failure of the DoE to grant a taxi license to a former political prisoner, Sinn Fein Representative Raymond McCartney called for an end to the discrimination experienced by former political prisoners.
Mr McCartney said:
`` The decision to allow Damian McComb to challenge the failure of the DoE to grant him a taxi license on the grounds he was a former republican PoW is obviously welcome. But the fact is that Mr McComb should not have been placed in this situation in the first place.
`` Discriminatory regulations and practices aimed at former political prisoners are unfortunately common place. Five years on from the Good Friday Agreement and three years on from the end of the prisoner release programme these practices should have been consigned to history.
`` Sinn Fein will continue to lobby for an end to institutional discrimination experienced on a daily basis by former political prisoners.'' ENDS
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