[Sinn Fein]

30th August 2002

Crowe calls on Government to use Navy to Monitor BNFL Convoy

Sinn Fein TD Seán Crowe will attend the launch of the Nuclear Free Flotilla on Sunday Sept 1st at the Poolbeg Yacht Club at 11.00am to show support with the activists who intend to sail out to the Irish Sea when the BNFL shipments arrive.

The Dublin South-West Deputy said, ``The imminent arrival of two vessels carrying nuclear fuel into the Irish Sea emphasises the arrogant lack of interest the British government has displayed in the arguments and concerns of the Irish people. From their consistent refusal to even contemplate closing down Sellafield nuclear power station to their plans to expand the facility they have shown nothing but contempt for the Irish people.

It should not fall to these activists to be responsible for patrolling Irish borders to prevent nuclear material from entering our waters, though they are to be congratulated for doing so. That they feel they must is in itself a damning indictment of the half-hearted approach this, and previous administrations, have taken towards Sellafield and the issue of nuclear power in general. Other governments have not shrank from using their navy to monitor the path of this convoy and neither should this one. It is time to make it clear to the British government how seriously we view this issue,

Sinn Fein has repeatedly called on the government to work with non-nuclear European states within and without the Union for the aim of a nuclear free Europe and we call on them to do so again on the day EU Foreign Ministers discuss the EU Commission's proposals to increase lending limits for nuclear power.''

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