[Sinn Fein]

24th June 2002

Sinn Fein backs calls for asylum seekers to be given the right to work and study while their cases are being assessed

Sinn Fein TD for Louth Arthur Morgan today backed calls from the Vincentian Refugee Centre in Dublin for the Government to give all asylum seekers the right to work and education while their cases are being assessed. Deputy Morgan said:

``It is widely recognised that the government have failed to bring forward fair and efficient procedures in relation to those seeking asylum. The result is that people are left languishing on the waiting list for asylum status for unacceptably long periods of time.

``It is unacceptable that those seeking asylum are being punished for the administrative failure of the government.

``Sinn Fein backs today's call from the Vincentian Refugee Centre in Dublin for the Government to give all asylum seekers the right to work and education while their cases are being assessed.''ENDS

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