[Sinn Fein]

19th November 2001

Emblems and Flags

Sinn Fein spokesperson on Policing North Belfast MLA Gerry Kelly commenting on the Emblems and Flags Regulations published today said:

'Sinn Fein will study closely the regulation published today by the British government.

"The Patten report was very clear and unambiguous on this issue. It said: 'That the Northern Ireland Police Service adopt a new badge and symbols which are entirely free from any association with either the British or Irish states....that the union flag should no longer be flown from police buildings...'

"The British government should have dealt with this issue last year when it published the legislation

"Despite the unnecessary delay around this issue it should now do so.

"Sinn Fein will make a submission to the British government on this issue and our benchmark will be the Patten report recommendations."

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