[Sinn Fein]

6ú Samhain 2001

Ó Caoláin welcomes election of First and Deputy First Minister

Sinn Fein TD Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin has welcomed the election of David Trimble as First Minister and Mark Durcan as Deputy First Minister. He said:

``I welcome these elections and commend the pro-Agreement members of the Assembly on this development. It is now time to move on and to ensure that the Executive, the Assembly, the All-Ireland Ministerial Council and the All-Ireland bodies finally operate fully and fulfil their real potential.

``The Good Friday Agreement is an agreement for the Irish people on both sides of the Border and I look forward to working with all elected opinion to ensure its full implementation. With an economic downturn now under way it is essential that maximum cross-border co-operation is deployed so that the people of the Border region benefit from the long-promised and yet to be realised, peace dividend.''

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