[Sinn Fein]

2 June 2001

Crowe - Nice poll results encouraging

Sinn Fein Councillor Seán Crowe commenting on today's poll on the Nice Treaty said ``I am encouraged by today's poll indicating a jump in support for the NO vote in the Nice Treaty particularly when you consider that this poll almost certainly underestimates the real extent of the NO vote.''

Cllr. Crowe said:

``Over the last two weeks Sinn Fein has extensively canvassed homes throughout the 26 counties and it is clear from the response on the doorsteps that a majority of the electorate are going to vote NO to the Treaty of Nice on June 7th.  

``There is huge concern that Nice will bring us into an EU superstate with its own army.  There is also a lot of anger that this referendum is being rushed through by the government with little opportunity for real debate - something which is backed up by today's poll with 50% of those polled only vaguely aware or not aware of what the Treaty is about.

``As we enter the final week of the campaign I believe that we will continue to see a substantial shift against the Treaty of Nice.''

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