[Sinn Fein]

8 December 2000

Questions for Flanagan after attacks

Sinn Fein Assembly member for North Belfast Gerry Kelly MLA speaking at a vigil at Oldpark Barracks tonight said that there was no doubt that the UDA were behind the killing of Gary Moore in Monkstown and the attempted murder of Paul Scullian on the Oldpark Road.  Mr. Kelly also said that there were increasing suspicions that there was a sinister hand in the killing of Trevor Kell. Mr. Kelly said:

``Finger pointing after the killing of Trevor Kell on Tuesday night led directly to the murder of Gary Moore and the attempted murder of Paul Scullian.  There is no doubt that the UDA was behind the killing of Mr. Moore and the attempted killing of Mr. Scullion.

``And there is increasing suspicion that there is a sinister hand involved in the killing of Mr. Kell.  I don't know for certain whether he was killed by loyalists or by elements within British Intelligence.  These people are against the peace process and knew that the immediate result  of their actions would be attacks on Catholics.

``It must also be said that the attempt to murder Paul Scullian took place right underneath an RUC spy-post.  Yet the attackers were able to calmly make their get away from the scene.  Attackers from an organisation which is full of RUC agents.  We would like to hear Ronnie Flanagan addressing these issues rather than publicly making groundless assumptions which have clearly endangered the lives of catholics or indeed hiding behind faceless `security sources' in a bid to justify his remarks.''ENDS

Delivered-To: irlnet-irlnet:com-sfwd@irlnet.com Delivered-To: irlnet-irlnet:com-sinnfein@irlnet.com Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 13:49:50 +0000 Subject: Army barracks should be given by Government to Dublin City Council for social housing - not sold off From: ``Sinn Fein'' <sinnfein@irlnet.com> To: ``Andycon'' <sinnfein@irlnet.com> Mime-version: 1.0 X-Priority: 1 X-Loop-IOL: sinnfein@irlnet.com

Sinn Fein Press Office, Dublin, Ireland. Confirmation: (353) 1 8722609 or 087 222 7608 Fax (353) 1 8733441 or (353) 1 8783595

Embargoed till - 8am Sunday 10 December 2000

Army barracks should be given by Government to Dublin City Council for social housing - not sold off The Government has been urged to hand over Clancy Army Barracks at Islandbridge to Dublin Corporation for social housing and sports facilities rather than sell it on the open market to commercial property developers.

The barracks is due to be vacated by the Department of Defence by March of next year.

At its meeting last Monday (4 December), Dublin City Council passed a Sinn Fein motion ``to purchase or acquire the site and refurbish it for social housing, community facilities and sports and leisure''.

Sinn Fein's Aengus Ó Snodaigh, who represents the Dublin South Central and Islandbridge area, welcomed Dublin City Council's unanimous backing for his proposal to acquire the site for social housing and recreation facilities.  He  said:

``Fatima Mansions is set on 11 acres; Clancy Barracks occupies 13 acres, so it could make a massive contribution to reducing the housing waiting list. ``The State has a duty to its citizens to ease the housing crisis - not to line the pockets of property speculators and developers.''  ENDS 4 Details: Aengus Ó Snodaigh @ 087 414 0856

Delivered-To: irlnet-irlnet:com-sfwd@irlnet.com Delivered-To: irlnet-irlnet:com-sinnfein@irlnet.com Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 14:58:53 +0000 Subject: President Clinton's visit provides focus - Sinn Fein's Mitchel McLaughlin From: ``Sinn Fein'' <sinnfein@irlnet.com> To: ``Andycon'' <sinnfein@irlnet.com> Mime-version: 1.0 X-Priority: 1 X-Loop-IOL: sinnfein@irlnet.com

Sinn Fein Press Office, Dublin, Ireland. Confirmation: (353) 1 8722609 or 087 222 7608 Fax (353) 1 8733441 or (353) 1 8783595

Saturday 9 December 2000 - For immediate release

President Clinton's visit provides focus Sinn Fein Chairperson Mitchel McLaughlin MLA, speaking after a meeting of the party's Ard Chomhairle in Dublin today (Saturday), said:

``There was a long and detailed discussion at today's Ard Chomhairle meeting regarding the issue of policing and Peter Mandelson's Police Act.

``Sinn Fein wants a new policing service and we will not settle for something less than this.  Republicans want and need the security of a decent, democratic and accountable policing service.  

``During the public debate on the Mandelson Police Bill, we said that the Patten Report, if fully implemented, may give us an opportunity to do that.

``The British legislation does not equate to the benchmark Patten recommendations.  This will obviously impact on Sinn Fein's consideration of this issue.  A significant gap still remains in respect of a large number of these recommendations.

``This is, of course, a major concern.  But that is no longer the point for immediate attention.  The time for that will come again.  The point now is: does the British Government's plans meet the prescribed requirements of the Good Friday Agreement in respect of a democratic, accountable policing service capable of attracting the membership and support of the community as a whole - nationalists, republicans and unionists? m/f McLaughlin/Clinton 2

``This is an issue which is central to any society, an issue which is critical to the Irish peace process.  It has to be got right.

``There is an onerous responsibility on all party leaderships to give all of this the fullest consideration.  Sinn Fein will certainly do so.  But we will not be bullied or pressurised by the British government or anyone else in respect of either our decision on the issue or the timing of this.  

``Republicans do not consider the British Government's Police Act as the last word on the issue of policing.  The last word will come from the people without whose support the Act is useless.  No democrat will give their support to something less than a genuinely new beginning to policing, as prescribed by the Good Friday Agreement.''

Commenting on next week's visit to Ireland by President Clinton, Mr. McLaughlin said:

``Sinn Fein welcomes President Clinton's visit and we appreciate the contribution which he has made to the search for peace in this island.  No other US leader has had such a significant, far-sighted and coherent approach.  

``It is clear that the White House is keenly aware of the seriousness of the situation.  While huge progress has been made in recent years, much more needs to be done. President Clinton's visit will allow for a timely focus on all of this.

``There has already been an attempt by the British government and the UUP to use the visit to distract attention from their failure thus far to honour their commitments and obligations.   It is time for the British government to address this issue seriously and honour the commitments which they made.''ENDS

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