[Sinn Fein]

25 July 2000

Incinerator debate: Councillor calls for fair funding for both sides

Louth County Councillor Arthur Morgan has called for the County Manager to fund both sides in the regional waste management workshop to be held shortly. Councillor Morgan said that the County Manager's refusal to fund divergent views ``was probably illegal''.

The Sinn Fein councillor said:

``The County Manager has claimed that consultants MC O'Sullivan would represent the views of Louth County Council - but the council has no formed view on this matter because the elected representatives did not vote on it..

``Therefore, I believe the consultants would be representing only the views of the County Manager and a small group of pro-incineration people.''

Councillor Morgan called for equal funding for all sides of the incinerator debate ``so that a fair and open debate can be had''.

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