![[Sinn Fein]](http://www.sinnfein.org/graphics/title_gifs/newsf.gif)
![[Sinn Fein TDs]](graphics/resources/sf1916.jpg) Sinn Féin members elected in the December 1918 election at the First Dáil Éireann meeting on January 21, 1919
Fein is
the oldest political
movement in Ireland.
It takes its name from the Irish Gaelic expression for
``We Ourselves''. Since being founded in 1905, Irish Republicans
have worked for the right of Irish people as a whole to attain
national self-determination.
The movement founded almost 100 years ago by Arthur
Griffith evolved into a number of organisations which carried the name.
Provisional Sinn Fein
The party once led by Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness, now by Mary Lou McDonald, is the largest of the modern parties which emerged from Sinn Féin. It says it seeks the
establishment of a new Ireland based
on sustainable social and economic development; genuine
democracy, participation, equality and justice at all levels of
economy and society; and a lasting and meaningful peace with
of purpose and action.
Specifically, it says:
- Sinn Féin is an Irish Republican party. Its objective is to end British rule in Ireland. It seeks
national self-determination, the unity and independence of Ireland as a sovereign state.
- Sinn Féin is committed to the transformation of Irish society and to a negotiated and democratic settlement. It knows
that peace is not simply the absence of violence. Real peace - a lasting peace - is based on democracy, justice, freedom and equality.
- Sinn Féin has a vision that sees beyond the present conflict and beyond the present phase of Irish history. The party's
vision foresees the unity of the people of this island. It is a vision for the redistribution of wealth, for the well-being of the aged,
for the advancement of youth, for the liberation of women and for the protection of Irish children. It is a vision for a free Ireland and a free people.
- Sinn Féin is committed to its peace strategy. It has
sought with honesty and integrity to construct a peace process which reaches out and embraces everyone on the island on the basis of equality. Its
objective must be for an agreement that will earn the allegiance and respect of all sections of the Irish people.
To achieve these objectives, Sinn Féin backs
the 1998 Good Friday Agreement,
which the party reached with the other northern parties and the Irish and British
governments following multi-party negotiations in Belfast.
These negotiations arose from the Irish Peace Process, itself initiated
in discussions
begun several years ago.
Sinn Féin's peace strategy was supported by the end
of the armed campaign by the Provisional Irish
Republican Army
and was endorsed again by the decisions taken at the party's annual Ard Fheiseanna [annual conferences].
Through its leadership, the
Ard Chomhairle, Sinn Féin says it maintains
goal of a just and lasting
peace as part of its agenda for change.
In the Six Counties, Sinn Féin is the leading nationalist party. It has
four Westminster MPs, 28 MLAs, and 105 councillors. In the 26 Counties,
the party currently has
14 TDs and 158 councillors.
 |  |  |  |
Gerry Adams MP | M. McGuinness MP | Pat Doherty MP | Conor Murphy MP |
 |  |  |  |
C. Ó Caoláin
TD | Martin Ferris TD | A. Ó Snodaigh
TD | Pearse Doherty
TD |
Official Documents and
Press Releases
documents and press releases from Provisional Sinn Fein are archived here.
These are released by Sinn Fein
offices around the country and explain the party's views on current affairs. Contact
Fein regarding any questions about its
policies, or to receive official or press information;
information in
these archives may be out of date.
Internet Mailing List
You can now receive regular updates and bulletins on events in Ireland via the Irish Republican News
mailing list. IRN is an independent publication and is not affiliated with any political party.
Subscribers are asked to make a small contribution toward
expenses. To join the list, fill in your e-mail
address below:
Supporters can stay current
on various political campaigns and events in Ireland by joining the internet
mailing list above, or by
reading notices of events in Irish Republican News online.
If you would like
send an e-mail to info@sinnfein.org. For queries
regarding the Irish Republican News mailing
contact repnews-reply@irlnet.com
Irish Republican
Irish Republican News is a news organisation with a republican perspective and is
Ireland's most popular source of political news online. It carries a variety of stories and opinion
on national affair and
miscellaneous topics.
Broadly supportive of the Irish republican cause, Irish Republican News
is available on the Web, and a new issue is published twice a week.
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``Everyone, Republican or otherwise has their own particular
part to play. No part is too great or too small, no one is
too old or too young to do something.''
(1954-1981), on hunger strike in 1981
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Links to organizations are
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