Online public ballot

8/9 May 1999



  1. Support the motion   Oppose the motion

    That this Ard Fheis supports a campaign for an all-Ireland international soccer team. Sport is another representation of politics and international sport has developed along with the evolution of the nation-state and struggles for national self-determination. In Catalonia and Euskadi campaigns are underway for national selections in all sports. In Ireland soccer is the only significant international sport in which the partition of Ireland is represented. As this sport has immense popularity, it has been used to enhance the legitimacy of the Six-County statelet.

    Aspects of this campaign should include:

    1. Challenging the IFA publicly about the on-going harassment of nationalist teenagers in the Six Counties designed to pressurise them into playing for `Northern Ireland';

    2. Lobbying young nationalists with advanced soccer talent not to participate in any way with the team termed ``Northern Ireland''. They should instead obtain an Irish passport and be available for selection by the FAI;

    3. Lobbying the FAI both publicly and privately to form an all-Ireland soccer team in terms of both title and participation;

    4. Support should be sought from other political parties, clubs and Celtic groups to help lobby for an all-Ireland team.

    Cumann Orr/McCracken, Antrim


  2. Support the motion   Oppose the motion

    That this Ard Fheis instructs the Ard Chomhairle to appoint a spokesperson on Sport.

    Cumann Orr/McCracken, Antrim

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