Online public ballot

8/9 May 1999

    Political Hostages


  1. Support the motion   Oppose the motion

    That this Ard Fheis endorses the reality that all POWs must be released for a true peace to be realised and that the Dublin government as a party to the Good Friday Agreement must fulfill its obligations under the agreement and release all IRA prisoners still held in custody.

    Portlaoise Martyrs Cumann, Portlaoise Prison


  2. Support the motion   Oppose the motion

    That this Ard Fheis asks every Sinn Fein member, cumann, cúige and comhairle ceantair to remain focused on the fact that one year after the Good Friday Agreement and nearly two years into the IRA cessation political hostages remain imprisoned. While this remains the case republicans as a whole are held hostage.

    Portlaoise Martyrs Cumann, Portlaoise Prison


  3. Support the motion   Oppose the motion

    That this Ard Fheis demands all POWs are not discriminated against because of their incarceration when they are applying for jobs after their release.

    Cumann O'Malley/Russell, Baile Átha Cliath

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