Online public ballot

8/9 May 1999

    International Affairs


  1. Support the motion   Oppose the motion

    That this Ard Fheis calls for the release of the Kurdistan leader Abdullah Occlean and we continue to support the Kurdish nation in its struggle for national self-determination.

    Cumann Traolach Mac Suibhne, Corcaigh


  2. Support the motion   Oppose the motion

    That this Ard Fheis calls on the Spanish government to release all political prisoners and to open full negotiations with Herri Batasuna.

    Cumann Traolach Mac Suibhne, Corcaigh


  3. Support the motion   Oppose the motion

    That this Ard Fheis calls for all economic embargos on Iraq to cease, and that the military actions by the USA and its allies against the Iraq people to stop.

    Cumann Traolach Mac Suibhne, Corcaigh

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