Online public ballot

8/9 May 1999



  1. Support the motion   Oppose the motion

    That this Ard Fheis recognises that a chronic housing problem exists in the Dublin area.

    To tackle this crisis the Ard Fheis proposes:

    • Government funding for a major new Social Housing Programme. This should involve building 12,000 new housing units- both houses and apartments- by local authorities in the Dublin area;

    • Community involvement in planning of new housing. High quality and high density schemes to be given priority to keep people in the city centre and avoid suburban sprawl;

    • The purchase of land for housing by local authorities, by compulsory purchase order where necessary;

    • Proper maintenance and security on all local authority housing schemes and flats complexes to ensure tenant safety and comfort and the securing of well kept housing stock to meet future needs;

    • New Housing Act to outlaw `gazumping' ( the increase in a house price between the payment of a deposit and the completion of the sale) and control prices;

    • Penalties for property speculators;

    • More emergency accomodation for the homeless;

    • Rent control and new stricter laws and effective enforcement to impose proper standards in private rented accomodation;

    • Assistance for the establishment of student housing associations.

    Comhairle Chúige Átha Cliath


  2. Support the motion   Oppose the motion

    That this Ard Fheis calls on the Dublin government to recognise the crisis in the public housing sector. In recognising this crisis, the government and the Minister of the Environment in particular must accept the need for urgent action to alleviate the hardship endured by the record numbers on local authoirty waiting lists. A first step must be the immediate sanctioning of adequate finances to establish a meaningful and comprehensive public housing programme. This must be enacted in paralelled with legislation to stop the rampant profiteering by private developers and the introduction of rent control in the private housing sector.

    Cumann Noble Six/Coen/MacManus, Sligo


  3. Support the motion   Oppose the motion

    That this Ard Fheis calls on the government to address the homeless and housing issue and to enter into dialogue with Catholic and State agencies to provide lands for housing.

    Cumann O'Malley/Russell, Baile Atha Cliath

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