Online public ballot

8/9 May 1999

    European Union


  1. Support the motion   Oppose the motion

    That this Ard Fheis believes that the role played by the European Union in Irish society is an ever growing one. The EU impacts on every aspect of Irish political social and economic life that the EU does not impact on.

    Sinn Fein has been consistently concerned about the lack of the democratic defict and lack of accountability within the structures of the EU. We have highlighted our opposition to the single currency project, to the huge powers exercised by the EU Commission and other unelected EU institutions. We have regularly highlighted the inequalities and failures of the CAP and articulated our opposition to the EU's free market policies. Most importantly we have stated repeatedly our opposition to the erosion of Irish neutrality within the EU .

    The debate which needs to happen is what kind of future Europe we want, with increasing focus on key policy areas such as the preservation of Irish neutrality, EMU, CAP, Agenda 2000, regional policy, the environment, social inclusion and other issues which will determine that future.

    Sinn Fein recognises that the EU as a key terrain for political struggle and one which we can use to advance our republican aims of national independence and economic and social justice.

    Our overall republican approach to the EU should be seen as one of ``critical engagement''.

    In many ways Sinn Fein's activists and representatives acros Ireland have been pursuing such an approach for many years in their dealings on issues such as the Peace and Reconciliation Fund and the CAP, EU community initiatives and through our support of anti racist campaigns as well as our well publicised support for the right of peoples across the world to self determination. We also need to recognise, however, that we can not realise these aims by ourselves and that, where appropriate, we must forge increased political alliances with other like minded parties, movements and struggles across Europe.

    That this Ard Fheis endorses the document ``Sinn Fein and the European Union''.

    Ard Chomhairle

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