Online public ballot

8/9 May 1999



  1. Support the motion   Oppose the motion

    That this Ard Fheis calls for an end by multi-nationals including textile firms such as Fruit of the Loom and `` Coats Vyella'' abandoning Irish workers for even cheaper labour in places such as Morroco and the Far East.

    While recognising the economic stranglehold being placed on the industry by such groups as `` Marks and Spencers'' and other large retail outlets profit before people is clearly their main motivation both here and in Morroco and the Far East.

    We also call for the seizure by the state of all public monies put into these firms where closures occur and that the same monies be used to help revitalise areas abandoned by these multi-nationals.

    McKerr/Burns/Toman Cumann, Lurgan


  2. Support the motion   Oppose the motion

    That this Ard Fheis believes that radical changes should be made to the Jobs Initiative Scheme to allow those on differential rents to keep all secondary benefits thereby ensuring that they do not lose the benefit of the extra income.

    Cumann Kevin Delaney, Bré


  3. Support the motion   Oppose the motion

    That this Ard Fheis notes that the British government's New Deal takes no account of the experience of long-term unemployment in the Six Counties. This Ard Fheis shares the objections of community and voluntary groups to the New Deal, and calls for New Deal to be replaced by sustainable, wage-based interventions, which are sensitive to the unemployment experience in the north of Ireland and which contribute a consequential benefit to the community.

    Comhairle Chúige na Sé Chontae


  4. Support the motion   Oppose the motion

    That this Ard Fheis recognises that present funding to the community sector is inadequate. This Ard Fheis calls on all councils in the Six Counties to immediately review their funding for the community sector.

    The objective of any new review must be to provide the community sector with the means to eliminate social disadvantage through a policy of application of funding on the basis of targeting social need. To do otherwise would ensure that social disadvantage increases in those areas already suffering depravation.

    Any new review undertaken should consider:

  5. The recent history of council funding to the community sector;

  6. Councillors' attitudes to funding of this sector;

  7. How councils can better provide for this service;

  8. How councillors and council officers can best support the essential services through the resourcing of the community sector;

  9. How best to build in PAFT and Targeting Social Need criteria into new council policy;

  10. How grant aid can be prioritised for those areas with serious social disadvantage.

    Comhairle Chúige na Sé Chontae


  11. Support the motion   Oppose the motion

    That this Ard Fheis is deeply concerned about the possible demise of MBW and the ending of ACE and CWP. We continue to witness the erosion of funding for statutory organisations, whose only response has been to cut grant aid to community groups. There is an obligation on all statutory bodies to provide major funding for the community netowork. Against the backdrop of cuts in source funding Local Councils along with other statutory agencies need to:

    ensure the survival of the community sector;

    through the community sector address those most in need within our communities.

    Comhairle Chúige na Sé Chontae


  12. Support the motion   Oppose the motion

    That this Ard Fheis notes:

  13. The wholesale opposition ot the abolition of the Action for Community Employment programme (ACE) in July 1999;

  14. The destabilising effect the abolition of ACE will have upon community infranstructures in areas of greatest need;

  15. The vital services provided through ACE to those most disadvantaged and deprived;

  16. That the abolition of ACE is incompatible with the British government's promise to promote economic equality and social justice in the Six Counties.

    Therefore, this Ard Fheis calls upon the British government to rescind the abolition of ACE and to increase investment in community infrastructures in areas of greatest social need.

    Comhairle Chúige na Sé Chontae


  17. Support the motion   Oppose the motion

    That this Ard Fheis calls on the British government to stop the closure of ACE schemes throughout the Six Counties there is a need for full consultation with those groups affected by such closures before the implimentation of any new scheme.

    However in some cases there seems to be preferential treatment of some groups raising the spectre of political vetting a feature of the1980s and early `90s

    The Ard Fheis calls for an all Ireland group to tackle unemployment with full consultation with all interested bodies.

    McKerr/Burns/Toman Cumann, Lurgan


  18. Support the motion   Oppose the motion

    That this Ard Fheis calls on all local authorities throughout Ireland to require, as a prerequisite to final planning approval, or issuing of grant payments etc., that a minimum of two smoke alarms are fitted to all dwellings. Our Local Authority representatives should initiate this requirement in their respective areas immediately.

    Cumann Seán Campbell, North Louth

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