Online public ballot

8/9 May 1999



  1. Support the motion   Oppose the motion

    That this Ard Fheis demands that the Dublin government initiate an International Campaign to close Sellafield. As an immediate gesture of good-will in this regard, they should fund, as promised in 1997, the four individuals from Louth who are pursuing British Nuclear Fuels (BNFL) through the courts. Further, we wish to congratulate `The four' for their persistance and determination and wish them well in their legal battle.

    Cumann Seán Campbell, North Louth


  2. Support the motion   Oppose the motion

    That this Ard Fheis congratulates the four people from Louth who are persisting with their legal action against BNFL and that we are not surprised with the Dublin government's u-turn on this issue.

    Comhairle Ceantair Louth


  3. Support the motion   Oppose the motion

    That this Ard Fheis calls for a major increase in Dublin government funding for our non-national roads network. The deplorable state of repair of many of our non-national roads is a cause of daily distress and expense to tens of thousand of people. Sinn Fein vows to work alongside communities to restore this vital infrastructure and mandates its incoming local authority members to press this demand as a key priority. We commend the work of our TD Caoimghín Ó Caoláin who has, in conjunction with local communities in County Cavan spearheaded the demand for the restoration of the long-neglected non-national roads in that border county.

    Comhairle Ceantair Chontae an Chábháin, Comhairle Ceantair Chontae Mhuineacháin


  4. Support the motion   Oppose the motion

    That this Ard Fheis notes that Dublin is unique among European cities. Bus Átha Cliath received the lowest level of government subsidies compared to any other EU capital city. Dublin also has one of the lowest percentage of car owners per 1,000 people of any European city. That this Ard Fheis believes the city authorities must act together with the Dublin government to ensure that our pulbic transport system are adequately funded and that future transport initiatives favour public bus and rail services over private car owners.

    There must be no more delays in the construction of the proposed quality bus corridors. Bus Átha Cliath must get adquate subsidies to expand its services. There is also an urgent need for a proper affordable local community transport service to be provided for Dublin's ever grwoing suburbs.

    Comhairle Chúige Bhaile Átha Cliath


  5. Support the motion   Oppose the motion

    That this Ard Fheis calls on the Dublin government to upgrade the transport sector and make CIE competitive and have an adequate transport system.

    Cumann O'Malley/Russell, Baile Átha Cliath


  6. Support the motion   Oppose the motion

    That this Ard Fheis instructs Sinn Fein to formulate a coherent strategy to persuade the planners in the promotion of people/pedestrian friendly environment where poeple can cross the rounds safely; children can have a safe route to school; vulnerable road users are recognised; and, where traffic calming measures are seen as a necessity not political concessions.

    Cumann McDonnell/O'Shea, County Cork


  7. Support the motion   Oppose the motion

    That this Ard Fheis calls on the British government not to privatise the water and sewage system in the Six Counties.

    The privatisation of other public utilities such as electricity has proven disastorous for the general public. One has only to look at the mayhem caused by under investment in the power system during the December 98 storm.

    In Britan the privitisation of water has seen the most valuable resource human kind has wasted in the name of profit while consumers bills have risen and service detiorated.

    What is needed is an all-Ireland strategy to see our water and sewage system into the 21st Century where our most precious natural resource is managed for people not profit.

    McKerr/Burns/Toman Cumann, Lurgan


  8. Support the motion   Oppose the motion

    That this Ard Fheis calls for a moratorium on the installation of further mobile phone masts and transmitters pending comprehensive and independent studies into all the health and environmental implications into this techonology. Sinn Fein commends the stance taken by local communities who have campaigned against these installations in the absence of the necessary assurances concerning possible health risks. Given to the strong environmental objections to these unsighthly structures, this Ard Fheis urges the telecommunications companies to adopt a pro-active investigation into alternative means of sustaining and improving their networks.

    Comhairle Ceantair Chontae Mhuineacháin


  9. Support the motion   Oppose the motion

    That this Ard Fheis instructs Sinn Fein to make legal, environmental and research expertise available to local residents/community groups who are spearheading democratic opposition to the imposition of waste management transfer stations in their areas. That Sinn Fein vigorously pursue the right of local communities to be consulted on issues affecting their quality of life.

    Cumann McDonnell/O'Shea, County Cork


  10. Support the motion   Oppose the motion

    That Sinn Fein urges the Department of the Enviroment and local authorities to implement and seriously fund community-based systems of recycling with financial disincentives imposed on those who insist on excess packaging.

    Cumann McDonnell/O'Shea, County Cork


  11. Support the motion   Oppose the motion

    That this Ard Fheis supports the demand for a five-year moratorium on the planting fo all genetically engineered crops and field trials of such crops in Ireland. We call for the segregation of such crops and field trials of such crops in Irleland. We call for the segregation of such crops and clear and prominent labelling of all products containing genetically modified ingredients so that consumers are able to avoid this technology if they choose to do so. This Ard Fheis calls for immediate government measures to this effect and a full, comprehensive and informed public debate on all aspects of this as yet untried technology. We share the widespread public concern at the health implications of genetically engineered crops and at the potential for further control of agriculture and food supplies by multi-national companies.

    Comhairle Ceantair Chontae Mhuineacháin

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