- Support the motion Oppose the motion
That nominations to the Ard Chomhairle be circulated to all cumainn etc.
along with the Clar for Ard Fheiseanna each year.
Noble Six/Coen/MacManus Cumann, Sligo
- Support the motion Oppose the motion
This Ard Fhéis recognises the strenuous and effective efforts made by the
leadership especially over the last year to engage in debate and discussion
with all levels of the membership in all areas.
This Ard Fheis hopes this will be an ongoing process.
Pádraig Pearse Cumann, Derry
- Support the motion Oppose the motion
This Ard Fheis resolves that nominations for Officer Board will only be
valid if each member is actively participating in their Cumann area.
O Malley Russell , Dublin
- Support the motion Oppose the motion
While recognising the rights of the Ard Chomhairle to take decisions on a
day to day and week to week basis on behalf of the Sinn Fein membership,
this Cumann believes that this does not give the Ard Chomhairle the right
to take any major decisions without consultation.
Thomas Ashe Cumann, Cavan
- Support the motion Oppose the motion
We believe that the education of our party membership - in political and
historical terms - should be given a higher priority, and organised in a
more structured way.
To this end we propose the appointment of an education officer within each
Comhairle Ceantair area who can come together on a Cúige or national basis
to produce a standard series of education lectures based around the new
Sinn Fein Handbook. This course should be implemented on a regular basis
for all party members within each Comhairle Ceantair area.
Barney Boswell Cumann, Newington, Belfast
- Support the motion Oppose the motion
Given the high numbers of new members who joined Sinn Fein in the wake of
the 1997 general election (26 Counties) we ask that Sinn Fein recognise the
contribution that these people can make and to assist them in fulfiling
their potential
Joe Clarke Cumann
- Support the motion Oppose the motion
That each cumann be advised of the details of Cáirde Shinn Fein members in
their cumann area. In order that a greater level of local co-operation may
be achieved and a more cohesive and effective strategy on both national and
local issues can be promoted.
Louth Comhairle Ceantair
- Support the motion Oppose the motion
Every attempt should be made to get AP/RN into at least one shop in every
town in the country. AP/RN should employ a sales person for this purpose
and a proper follow up service provided
Ceannt Breathnach, Gaillimh
- Support the motion Oppose the motion
That this Ard Fhéis recognises the changing role that AP/RN must play
within republican publicity and calls for debate between Sinn Fein and the
editorial staff of AP/RN to address the future needs and aspirations of the
O Malley Russell Cumann
- Support the motion Oppose the motion
That full consultation should take place between candidates and their DOEs
before any decision is taken on elections, in order that candidates can
properly identify their strongest and most likely areas in which to stand.
Logue Marley Cumann, Crumlin