Online public ballot

18/19 April 1998

    Constitution & Rules

    (Sunday 11.00/11.50)


  1. Support the motion   Oppose the motion

    Rule 21. Pg 13 (Ard Chomhairle)

    First sentence - line 7

    (a)Delete: ``12 other members and one representatives from each of the comhairlí limistéir'' and replace with ``9 other members''........

    Second Sentence

    (b)Delete: `` The officers and 12 members shall be elected'' and replace with ``The officers and 9 members shall be elected by the votes of the entire delegate representation of the Ard Fheis''

    (c)Delete: ``and one representative from each of the comhairlí limistéir''


    Rule 25. Pg 17. (Vacancies)

    Delete: ``refers to a comhairle limistéir representative in which case the comhairle limistéir shall fill the vacancy'' and Replace with ``refers to a comhairle cúige vacancy in which case the comhairle cúige shall fill the vacancy'' That this new section be inserted into the Constitution & Rules after Rule 27 and that subsequent rules are numbered accordingly.


    Comhairle Cúige

    ``a. That the Ard Chomhairle, in consultation with local membership, be empowered to establish Comhairle Cúige.''

    b. Comhairlí Cúige shall be established based on EU Regional boundaries.

    c. An annual meeting shall take place within one month of the Ard Fheis.

    The outgoing officers and three Ard Chomhairle representatives and two delegates from each cumann, Comhairlí Ceantair and Comhairle Limistéir shall attend and elect an officer board and three Cuige representatives to the Ard Chomhairle and formulate policy for the ensuing year.

    d. The members of a comhairle cúige shall be: Cathaoirleach, leas-cathaoirleach, rúnaí, cisteoir, oifigeach oideachais, OCP (who shall act as leas-cathaoirleach), oifigeach óige, the cathaoirligh and rúnaithe of all cumainn, comhairlí ceantair and comhairlí limistéir in the region.

    Resident Ard Chomhairle members shall be ex-officio members.

    e. The comhairle cúige shall meet within one month after the general meeting. Afterwards it shall meet at least every one month or at any time on the direction of the Ard Chomhairle .

    f. Vacancies

    Any officer board vacancy shall be filled by the comhairlí cúige.

    g. Powers and Duties

    1. The comhairle cúige shall be subject to the Ard Chomhairle on all matters.
    2. It shall have charge of the organisation in the region
    3. It shall organise, publicise, develop and co-ordinate Sinn Fein and it's activities within it's jurisdiction.
    4. It shall have the power to raise funds for its own use and for the use of the Ard Chomhairle


    5. Head Office shall be notified of all it's meetings and a copy of the minutes of meetings held shall be forwarded to Head Office within seven days following the meeting.
    6. It shall have the power to call a conference of delegates from each cumann, comhairle ceantair and comhairle limistéir within its province to discuss the implementation of Sinn Fein Policy.

    Rule 2 (c) Pg 5 (Associate Membership)

    Delete: `` the comhairle limistéir''

    Add ``the comhairle cúige''

    Ard Chomhairle
    Coalisland Martyrs Cumann, East Tyrone


    Rule 9 (b) Pg 9 (Rules Ard Fheis)

    Delete: ``from each comhairle limistéir''

    Add''from each comhairle cúige''

    Ard Chomhairle


    Rule 12 (a) Pg 11 (Rules Ard Fheis)

    Delete: ``a comhairle limistéir''

    Add''a comhairle cúige''

    Ard Chomhairle


    Rule 13 (a) Pg 11 (Nominations)

    Delete: ``a comhairle limistéir''

    Add ''a comhairle cúige''

    Ard Chomhairle


    Rule 24 (b) (v) Powers Pg 17

    Delete: ``a comhairle limistéir''

    Add''a comhairle cúige''

    Ard Chomhairle


    Rule 27 Pg 13

    Add after ``eight members ... ``and the Chair from each Comhairle Cúige.''

    Ard Chomhairle


  2. Support the motion   Oppose the motion

    Rule 21 - Add to last paragraph That the Ard Chomhairle be elected by means of simple proportional representation and not through the current archaic and undemocratic first past the post system.

    Each Ard Fhéis delegate would have a single transferable vote on which they would indicate their preferences 1,2,3 etc. The quota would be set by dividing the total number of valid votes by the number of Ard Chomhairle places plus one. After the first count no candidate having been elected the count would proceed with the distribution of the vote of the lowest placed candidate. If at any stage a candidate exceeded the quota then the surplus votes would be distributed. The normal rules of PR used in local elections north and south would apply.

    Traolach Mac Suibhne, Cork


  3. Support the motion   Oppose the motion

    That Rule 21 be amended so that the first paragraph reads:

    ``While the Ard Fheis is not in session, control of the organisation shall be vested in the Ard Chomhairle comprised of a member from each county in Ireland. The officers of An Ard-Chomhairle, Uachtarán, Leas-Uachtarán (deputy leader), Ard Rúnaí, beirt Cisteoir oinigh, Oifigeach Poiblíochta, Cathoirleach Páirtí (responsible for party discipline) shall be elected from within that 32- strong body.

    Cavan Comhairle Ceantair


  4. Support the motion   Oppose the motion

    That in an effort to increase democracy in the party 15 people be elected to the Ard Chomhairle by direct election at each Ard Fheis.

    Noble Six/Coen/MacManus Cumann, Sligo


  5. Support the motion   Oppose the motion

    That members co-opted onto the Ard Chomhairle be there in a non-voting capacity whose role Is to advise the Ard Chomhairle and not take part in actual decision making.

    Noble Six/Coen/MacManus Cumann, Sligo


  6. Support the motion   Oppose the motion

    Add the following section to constitution & rules.

    Sinn Fein Youth

    • Sinn Fein Youth is the official youth section of Sinn Fein. Membership is open to all young people between the ages of 16 and 25 inclusive, who agree with the aims and objectives of Sinn Fein. Sinn Fein Youth is bound by the same rules and procedures as Sinn Fein as laid down in Sinn Fein's Constitution & Rules. The ultimate authority of Sinn Fein Youth is the Sinn Fein Ard Fheis. Sinn Fein Youth is also subject to the Ard Chomhairleas with any other national Sinn Fein department. Sinn Fein Youth shall have the same rights as other Sinn Fein departments, in terms of membership and attendance at Ard Fheiseanna and special conferences. Sinn Fein Youth activists are also accountable in the same way and under the same conditions as any other member of Sinn Fein.

    • The aims of Sinn Fein Youth are to -
      • mobilise young people around the aims and objectives of Sinn Fein
      • educate young people about the policies and politics of Sinn Fein
      • provide a platform for young republicans from which to affect the politics and policies of Sinn Fein
      • to create an effective and creative movement of young people working for independence and socialism in Ireland
    • The organisation of Sinn Fein Youth shall be -
      1. local groups of no less than five activists
      2. area committees in areas where more than one group exist. The area committee shall consist of two representatives of each group.
      3. 5 Cúigí youth committees, for Six Counties, Leinster, Connacht/Ulster, Baile Atha Cliath and Munster, consisting of two representatives each from all local area committees. It will be the responsibility of the Cúigí committees to elect full time workers for the national committee.
      4. a national committee consisting of full time elected workers from the five cúigí committees. The national committee should be no larger than eight people
      5. Sinn Fein Youth representatives should sit in an observer capacity on all Sinn Fein Comhairle Ceantair, Limistéir and Ard Chomhairle and Coiste Seasta to ensure effective communication and co-operation between Sinn Fein and Sinn Fein Youth.
      6. where possible Sinn Fein cumainn should appoint a youth officer to liaise between themselves and the local Sinn Fein Youth group.
      7. Sinn Fein Youth will adopt a national 12 month plan by the end of each working year. The workplan will outline the national events for the coming year. The document should be produced by the national committee in consultation with all Sinn Fein Youth activists. The national work plan should then be cleared through the Ard Chomhairle.

    Ard Chomhairle


  7. Support the motion   Oppose the motion

    That in order to engage and fully participate in the Ard Fhéis, that the Clár is distributed at least 14 days in advance so to enable members of Cumann to examine and vote on it

    Ceannt Breathnach, Gaillimh

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